Princess Leia Accessories

Princess Leia is one of the key figures of the Star Wars saga as her role as a leader of the Rebellion sets in to motion the classic events of the original triology. Along with her friends Han Solo and Luke Skywalker they are going to do everything they can to end the Empire! We definitley can't blame you if you are looking to go as Leia, and we've got the great costumes that will instantly endear you to others.
If you've got Leia on the mind there is definitley one thing you cannot forget: Princess Leia hair! We've got a couple versions of her classic bun do from A New Hope. And if you're going to be a little bit more exotic, our Slave Leia costume is not complete without her signature braided hairstyle from Return of the Jedi.
If you're set hair-wise we've got some great footwear that will make your costume all the better. And if you've got a pup take a look at our Princess Leia costume for dogs. It is a truly hilarious way to get your canine friend in on the Star Wars action!