PJ Masks Costumes

So your kiddo wants to fight crime and save the day huh? Well, we think that's a great idea! However, they should be prepared first! Have they watched enough PJ Masks to know the proper moves? Is your little girl ready to drive the owl glider when she wears a PJ Masks Owlette costume? Are your little guy's ears trained enough to hear evil miles away when he suits up in a PJ Masks Catboy costume? Are we asking too many questions? Probably, we know your kiddos will crush any mission thrown their way...and if they don't...well at least they look cute doing it!
Maybe being the hero sounds like too much work, creating mischief could be a better and more fun fit. Let the roles reverse and create some mischief of your own! Unite your kiddos against evil, A.K.A you, when you dress up in a Romeo PJ Masks Costume!