Mad Hatter Halloween Costumes
There aren't many characters from Wonderland who could claim to be more famous than Alice. But if there is one, it's definitely the hat-making, tea-party-throwing, master of disaster who is ever on the quest for a watch that works. There's an excellent bonus to be had by going with the wackier one in the outfitting war between your choices in Alice and Mad Hatter costumes, too. While Alice is married to the blue dress and white apron, the Hatter can change appearance just about every time that a hat goes spinning or a fantastic party is about to begin. Now…are you classically crazy or truly unique?!
Classic Mad Hatter Costume

As anyone knows, the classic look is where you start! The original illustrations gave us a Mad Hatter with a rather prominent bow tie and hair that couldn't be contained even by the might of his oversized top hat. Disney added some color to the guy, making us all green with envy over his expertly questionable choice in color combinations. So, if you're going for a classic look, make sure to aim for the green hat, yellow jacket, and maybe a wig that proves you're mad!
Women's Mad Hatter Costume

Some hatters take a more refined approach to life. The madness is cool and calm. The sips of your tea are polite and your invitations might even come in the form of carefully constructed calligraphy. Don't worry, though: you're still the Mad Hatter! Women's costume options might give you a seemingly sane exterior but that only makes the wide eye and slight cock to your head especially alarming. Who knew there was definitely a wrong answer to, "Sugar?"
Mad Hatter Halloween Costume

Get your Futterwacken moves ready because when anyone hops through the Looking Glass to visit Underland, they're going to be looking to find the Hatter who took the world by storm! Whether you call him the Depp Hatter, Tarrant Hightopp, or even the one true Mad Hatter, this is the guy who pretty much redefined the look. Wildly colorful hair, a pale face, and lovely eye makeup help to bring out the crazed and mismatched style of the Hatter for your Frabjous Day!
Female Mad Hatter Costume

And for the final look of the iconic Mad Hatter, we must note that you could go with the exact opposite! What's truer to the Hatter's style than abandoning anything that's been done before and diving into a brand new world of avant-garde fashion?! Brighter colors! Shining fabrics! Ruffles for days and tulle like it's already been out of style and you're bringing it back! Show the other Hatters to the Jabberwocky by becoming a Mad Hatter who's never been seen before.