Costume Hoodies

There really is no easier way to costume-up than with a costume hoodie. We've gone far and wide to assemble the web's best selection of character hoodies, and we have the characters and brands that will have you saving the day. These licensed hoodies make for a great yet simple costume, and the best part is they're so fashionable they'll make the perfect addition to your wardrobe after your event.
From superhero masks to ears, your sweatshirt will have the costume details sewn right into the hood. Check out our character hoodies like Iron Man, Optimus Prime, and Boba Fett. They feature a full zip hood that will completely cover your face! Sweatshirts like our TMNT and Spiderman hoodies have half-masks so you can seamlessly switch between superherodom and being an everyday joe. And our animal and theme hoodies are a real treat. (Hot dog hoodie, anybody?)
Whatever your inclination, we have the perfect sweatshirt for you! Peruse our selection and pick up one - or a dozen! Because once you start wearing them, you'll want to have a hoodie costume for every day!