Alice in Wonderland Costume Ideas
The fun and fantastic world of Wonderland captivates us all! Not only does it draw us in because of the wacky tales and out-there characters…but portals into the mysterious land are all around us. Have you happened upon a rabbit hole recently and could have sworn you heard the frantic ravings of a rabbit short on time? How about a glimpse of a cat that clearly knew something it wasn't telling you? Maybe that mirror's reflection is a stranger thing than you remember. Well, curiouser and curiouser for sure. It's time to dive into Wonderland once again! What better way to do that than with Alice in Wonderland cosplay and costumes? Wander through our guide to find a classic look or unique take for your favorite characters among our Made By Us costume line.
Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costumes
You could probably talk about the oddities of Wonderland without mentioning the strange characters who populate it. But why would you want to?! Who cares about painted flowers and chessboard meadows when you've got zany creatures, looney people, and even a few zoonly hybrid monster types. (Yep, we needed to invent a word to describe them, folks!) It's time to find your favorite among our Alice in Wonderland character costumes and get ready to create a brand-new chapter of everyone's favorite storybook tale. The only questions that remain: which Alice in Wonderland character will you become first?!
Alice in Wonderland Dress

Naturally, you've gotta begin with Alice. Without this curious lass, we would have never learned anything about Wonderland! The best part is that she helps to tell several tales. You can start with a child Alice in Wonderland costume and help your kiddo figure out some of the strange world and head right back Through the Looking Glass later to continue the adventure years later! After all, Alice knew who she was when she got up, but changed several times since then!
Pretty Mad Hatter Costume

Naturally, when Alice heads off on the adventure, she's going to meet a bunch of Kings and Queens, all recognized by the crown on their brow. But—let's be honest!—the Hatter is the only Wonderland royalty anyone should really care about! With style this intense, the Hatter can't be stopped by just one look. How about a dashing ensemble? Perhaps a bit of a sexy Mad Hatter costume to get that tea party going? There's nothing prettier than a Hatter with all the options!
Queen of Hearts Costume

Some say that running into the Queen of Hearts is one of the biggest mistakes that Alice could make. Okay, maybe the Queen gets a little passionate about her royal decrees. Maybe she's let her power go a little to her head. But you can bet that we'll never say anything like that! Better that than to join the ranks of the headless horseman! Feel the power in your own hands when you are crowned with a Queen of Hearts adult costume that will set all other hearts aflame!
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Costumes

Most think that Alice ran into the Tweedle twins on her first trip through the rabbit hole, but the strangely agreeable tots didn't show up until she went Through the Looking Glass. Of course, with the right Alice in Wonderland character costumes, you'll find one Tweedle can make a great time any time. Pair it up and you can set two tots up to be mirror images of each other…miming every action…finishing sentences…? That isn't creepy at all, is it? No, that's not creepy at all!