Robot Costumes

When others encounter you dressed in a robot costume, they will naturally be curious and you're bound to get a few questions. After all, they have been waiting their whole lives to meet a real robot and they are going to be curious. To ensure you are ready for these inquiries, we've come up with a list of ready-to-use answers to the most common questions. Be sure to speak in your best robotic voice when answering!
1. What is the future like? The easiers answer is to say that it is a lot the present except better because there are less humans and more robots. 2. Did you invent the robot dance? Do not ruin this for them, just say yes and move your arms in a perfect imitation of said dance move. Everyone will be happy. 3. Do you have any feelings? This answer could go either way. You could say that you were build with technology that allows you to experience human emotions. Or you could say that emotions are not efficient and you have no need for them. That's it! You're ready to be a cool robot now.