Poodle Skirts

If you were in high school in the 1950s, you probably had at least one poodle skirt in your wardrobe. And if you didn't make it yourself, then your mom or grandmother did.
The first poodle skirt was made in 1947, and soon became a must-have fashion item. It was one of the first garments marketed specifically for teens. The circle shape was flattering to many figure types, and swayed nicely for dancing at the school sock hop.
So why poodles? They have long held a spot on the list of most popular dog breeds. Their characteristic fancy haircut made them a natural for fashion, though it's a misconception that the breed originated in France. It's true that France proclaimed the poodle its national dog. But despite its haute couture image, the breed originated in Germany in the 1500s as a hunter and water retriever. The word "poodle" comes from the Low German "pudel" which means "to splash in water." Poodles may have even older roots in central Asia.
No matter where they came from, poodles' popularity made them a hit when appliqued on a felt circle skirt. But poodle skirts weren't limited to poodles! Some had flamingos, dice, 45 rpm records, or many other images--even lobsters! The skirts came in a rainbow of colors, though red and pink were popular.
Whether you're taking a stroll down Memory Lane or just need a retro 50s costume for a party, we have a poodle skirt outfit for you. Sizes range from toddler to women's plus. And they don't just come in the traditional period-authentic just-below-the-knee length. They also come in sexy shorter versions, so there's a size and style for any taste or occasion!