Cheshire Cat Halloween Costumes
Alright, so you're looking for a little more magic in your Wonderland look. We completely understand. You're in a curious world where a sip of the wrong tea will turn you into a tot and a bite of a biscuit will have you bruising your noggin on the roof! With a backwards world like this, it's crucial that you have a bit of a guide or you might lose your head in more than one way! Of course, there's a step better. Why find a guide who'll lead you through with an enigmatic smile when you can be the one who is wearing the grin?! It's time to remind that most everyone's mad here, especially when the Cheshire Cat appears!
Cheshire Cat Dress

The Cheshire Cat is all about mischief and mirth, but that doesn't mean this supernatural kitty doesn't have those purple stripes arranged in style. Folks have wondered for decades about whether Cheshire was a villain, a hero, or some mysterious neutral entity out to make a story worth telling. We like to think Cheshire is a bit of a deity of Wonderland, to be honest, so it's only fitting that you bring life to this agent of chaos and have a heck of a good time while at it!
Adult Cheshire Cat Costume

In theory, the Cheshire Cat has really been the one ruling Wonderland from the Tulgey Wood for all time. Do we really know how old this cat is?! He seems to act like a kiddo at heart, but there's some serious lore bouncing around in that disappearing noggin of his. Try out an adult Cheshire Cat costume so you can give this chaotic creature the wisdom of age… or so you can bring out your own inner mischief-maker. Either way, we think purple stripes will look great on you!
Kids' Cheshire Cat Costume

No matter how mighty the Cheshire Cat may be, he's pretty small compared to Alice. It's unlikely that any actual cat is going to hang out happily while it is painted purple and 'meowing its head off' is very much an exaggeration compared to Cheshire's actual abilities. So maybe the best bet is letting your tyke try on their Wonderland mischief powers. With a kid-sized Cheshire Cat costume you'll complete your cast in a snap—and we know the kiddos love pulling pranks!
Wonderland Cat Costume

Ever noticed how the Cheshire Cat takes everything so easy? How nice would it be when we felt that anxiety headache building that we could literally vent the steam?! There are options for the happy-go-lucky Cheshire, too! Try a themed dress, a costume hoodie, or even a pair of cat ears—they aren't just for the anime fans! The Cheshire Cat is all about shapeshifting into a form that best suits the time, so your Cheshire Cat outfit should be all about the style you like!